Interested in a rune reading? Have a question you seek an answer to through a tarot reading? We are here to help.

Book a reading with us by using the button below!

Meet Our Readers:

  • Raine (he/him)


    Raine has been spending many of the previous years steeping himself in knowledge of the runes. He also reads using a norse-based oracle deck. Being that his family is Appalachian on his mother’s side he has also taken to Conjure Cards, an old Appalachian style of divination.

    You can book the following readings with Raine:

    -Rune Reading
    -Oracle Reading
    -Conjure Card Reading

  • Dorothy (she/they)


    Dorothy has been an intuitive reader for over 20 years. She pulls from the spirit to get the messages the universe and spirit have to offer you. She can communicate with spirits and ghosts. At times, she gets messages from them and can relay them to you. The spirit may be fickle, but there is always something to learn from a reading.

    You can book the following readings with Dorothy:

    -Tarot Reading